I was thinking about how I used to hate my mom for being a hitler when it came to how my wardrobe looked inside in terms of how it was packed, how clothes were folded and how things had to be colour coded. She would go absolutely mad if she came to check up on my wardrobe and something was not in place. I obviously thought my mom was a psycho and just had to live with it. Alas, my mom's years of drumming this into my head has translated into me doing the exact same thing but without having my mom screaming at me to do it. What can I say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree:)
So tonight I was pondering the thought of what purpose this all had and I realised that in actual fact it did have a purpose. What is the purpose you ask? Well it all comes down to making your life easier. My mom used to always repack and re-change my cupboard in an effort to "make it easier for you to find your things". I have only come to appreciate this now and came to the conclusion that my mom was a genius! If you think about it, we are all inherently lazy when it comes to packing our wardrobes which essentially means that they end up in "a state of chaos". If you add "a state of chaos" wardrobe to a hectic and busy lifestyle where we are always rushing to get somewhere, I can guarantee you that the result is either wearing the same outfit over and over again or you end up wearing something that is completely mismatched purely because those were the clothes which were easiest to access meaning they were right in front and the rest of your clothes were right at the back and you simply didn't have time to find them. It all boils down to your "first look" which determines what clothes you will wear so like first impressions, you need to ensure that you display your clothes in your wardrobe in the best way possible.
Colour coding, packing the same things together and folding your clothes neatly actually help you to make smart decisions abut what to wear. Lets start with colour coding your wardrobe. What is the purpose? Well, when you're in a rush in the morning and you know that you want to wear a certain white top with a certain pair of black pants, all you have to do is go straight to the white and the black sections and find them. This will obviously save you time searching for clothes and makes it quick and easy to get to what you need. It also helps you to see exactly what is in your wardrobe so that you don't forget about old clothes which are still in good condition and it will also lead to you being less inclined to wearing the same outfits over and over again. See the picture below - Colour coding makes your wardrobe look great but more importantly it makes your life easier.

The next two things you need to ensure is that you pack the same things together and fold them neatly. Packing the same things together makes it so much easier to find clothes in your wardrobe, i.e. packing all your vest tops together, packing all your jerseys together and packing all your shorts together. Again if you think about you being in a big rush, you will agree that you normally have an idea of what you're going to wear, so all you have to do is go straight to for example the shorts section to find a pair of shorts and straight to the vest top section to find a top to go with your shorts. If you couple this with folding the items neatly it will allow you to see exactly what clothes you have so that as mentioned before, you don't forget about old clothes that you could still be wearing and so that it is easier for you to come up with different combinations for outfits. See below examples.

So if you couple colour coding, packing the same things together and folding your clothes neatly, you will find yourself in a win-win situation! So come on guys and girls, give it shot, it'll change your life, I promise!
And of course, if you are too lazy or dont have time to do this, drop me a mail at Mazipan.FashionSavvy@gmail.com and I would be glad to offer my services to you to get your wardrobe in a "fashion savvy" state.