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About Me

- Mazipan
- Johannesburg, South Africa
- I am 25 years old and have an absolute love for fasion and styling. Its something that comes naturally to me and because of this I always have friends and colleagues coming to me to ask for advice on where to purchase clothes, accessories, shoes or bags, how to wear certain items of clothing or how to match new clothing items with existing ones. Thats where I come in. I am here to help all you ladies with how to dress according to your body size and height, how to dig out old items in your wardrobe and "rejuvenate them", how to wear one item in 2 or 3 different ways, how to mix and match items and how to figure out what you really need to buy in terms of clothing, bags, accessories etc to maximise your current wardrobe. So for all you fashionistas out there who need a bit of inspiration and help with your current wardrobe ,I urge you to email me to and I'll give you more info about the services I offer.
Sunday, 27 February 2011
She's got the look!!!
I was thinking about what I should write about for my next post and it occurred to me that I keep telling you to get inspiration through my advice and tips but I have not yet shared with you my inspiration. Its the one thing that no matter what, will put a smile on my face and make me realise that there are so many beautiful things in this life. Things that we often take for granted or forget about in this busy life of ours. And that one thing is "stylish" fashion. I say "stylish" fashion because I don't like to always stick to the latest fashion trends but instead, choose clothing that has a classic style and can last years without looking outdated. The way I bring in certain fashion trends I like is by buying accessories like belts, jewellery, scarves, jersey's and jackets that are "trendy" and "in fashion" and I simply add them to my existing classic base of clothes. These trendy accessories cost a minimal amount of money so when they're outdated I can just get rid of them but they allow me to always look up to date with the latest fashion trends. Most of the time though I love sporting a classic look which is not necessarily trendy as such but is chic and therefore always looks smart. So here are some looks from the catwalk that I consider to be "stylish"fashion and are looks that you could wear in 10 years time and still look great in. Enjoy!!!
Men, men, men, its all about you today!
To all the guys out there following my blog, I had a special request from a guy friend to write a post specifically for guys so here it is. 2 items that every guy SHOULD have in their closet is a great pair of jeans and a good quality white shirt. These 2 items can be worn in so many ways depeneding on how conservative or outrageous your are. I have chosen 3 different outfits which could be worn by any guy out there. Option 1: The chilled look - This look is for a chilled day out with friends and or family. Whether its a family breakfast, brunch or lunch this look is so comfortable and it still looks smart. All you do is roll up the sleeves of your white shirt, and pair it with a great pair of sneakers and off you go. Option 2: The Casual look - This look is for day or night occassions that require a slightly more formal look. Its such a classic look and it still ensures that you still get your much needed comfort. All you need to do is find a great belt, a nice pair of leather loafers and for those of you that like cufflinks, you can add those too! Option 3: The Smart Casual look - This look is for a special occasion such as a birthday, anniversary etc. Literally all you do is add a blazer/suit jacket of your choice to the Casual look and voila! So be inspired to look good guys - trust me the ladies LOVE it when a guy looks after himself and dresses well!!!
Casual look
Smart Casual Look
Saturday, 26 February 2011
From Drab to Fab!!!
I can't begin to explain my absolute passion and love for accessories!!! Why, you ask. Well for me, accessories can completely change an outfit, so much so that you can wear the same shirt and top, but by adding accessories, you can have 4 or 5 different looks which creates the impression that you have tons and tons of clothing when you actually don't. It's all about 'using your resources' i.e your current clothes and instead of going out and buying a new top or pants for say R200 - R400 each, go and buy a great necklace, bangle and belt for the same price or less and watch how your wardrobe just expands! The nice thing is that you can buy the latest and trendiest accessories in order to keep up to date with the latest fashion trends and then when the fashion trends change you can get rid of them and go out and buy again. All you need to make sure of is that your clothing is good quality and that you look after it so it lasts and all you'll have to keep doing is buying accessories and ONCE in a while, new key clothing items. I'm telling you ladies, its the best way to shop smart and save money without having to give up always looking your best no matter what!
Thursday, 24 February 2011
Separately they're simple but together they're fabulous!
I got inspiration for this post when thinking of the idea of 2 people who are simple when they're apart but when they're together there is just an undeniable chemistry that immediately draws you to them and their energy. Its like they somehow just complete each other! In my mind, the same can be said for a simple pair of jeans and a simple vest top. Separately they're just simple but together they're fabulous!!! So below are some ways of taking the fabulous pair and making them even more fabulous. You decide whether you want to bring out the Fashionista, Rocker Chick, Chic-Causal or Quietly Confident side of you! Either way, this fabulous pair offers us ladies much needed comfort and ease and they're 2 items which almost everyone is bound to have in their wardrobe. So come on, go dig in your wardrobe for some long lost accessories, bags and shoes to rejuvenate this timeless fashionable pair!
Rocker Chick
Quietly confident
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
The little black dress
The good old little black dress! The one item, 99% of us have (or at least I hope so!). There are so many things you can do to dress it up or dress it down but whatever you decide, its one hot little number we should all love to wear. I have come up with 3 options for the little black dress: Option 1 - The black dress with statement shoes and accessories. This look is fabulous and takes the plain little black dress to a whole new level. Its for those of you who have statement accessories and shoes and love to flaunt them. Option 2 - The black dress with all black and a hint of red. This look is for those of you who are slightly more conservative. You can wear all black but then add beautiful silver accesories and then to glam it up and give it the finishing touch, you can wear red nail polish as well as red lipstick. Option 3 - The little black dress dressed down. This look is for those of you who dont necessarily like sporting killer heels but who still like to look good! Simple flat gold sandals which are perfect for night time, coupled with beautiful gold earings and a tope and black check bag to add a bit of spice. So there you have it, a few simple ideas to liven up that hot little black dress of yours. Come on ladies, be inspired to go find that black dress of yours and take some time to figure out just how you can liven it up and show it off!!! And for those of you who dont have a little black dress or need a new one - go check out under evening dresses - there is a sale on. There are 4 different sexy black dresses which you purchase online and get delivered to your doorstep the very next day!!!
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
How to use one item of clothing to make up lots of different outfits
So ladies, often we have items of clothing in our wardrobe which we can use for more than one use. I figured this out a few months ago when I was searching for a camel coloured top to wear with my jeans and I came across a camel dress of mine which made me think.... "Maybe I can wear this dress as a top, if I tuck it in strategically so that there is no bulge and so that no one would ever be able to tell that I am actually wearing a dress!". And thats how it all happened. I have added a few pictures for you ladies to see just how using 1 item can create 3 or 4 different outfits by wearing different, shoes, bags and accessories. It also portrays how you can glam something up for a fancy occasion or dress it down for a casual one. So use this an inspiration, to relook at items in your current wardrobe and to fgure out new and interesting ways of wearing them instead of buying new items which you might not necessarily need.
Monday, 21 February 2011
How to glamourise yourself for a night out without being able to go home and change
I have often found that during the course of an afternoon, a friend will call and want to meet up for drinks and or dinner straight after work and this used to traumatise me because being the perfectionist fashionista I am, I hate to go anywhere without feeling like I am appropriately "glammed up" for the occasion. And then one day I thought, "Well I actually can get appropriately glammed up for an occasion without going home to change - all I have to do is plan in advance, in case". By this I mean, always having key items in a bag in your car that will glam up the outfit that you're wearing that specific day "just in case". An example can be seen in the picture I have added. A simple tan coloured dress which I would be wearing with flat tan pumps during the day can easily be glammed up by 3 key items namely killer heels, a killer evening bag and killer accessories, all of which take up next to no space in your car and won't require too much planning. A quick and easy way to always look good no matter where you are, because lets face it, you never know who you're going to bump into!!!
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